Sunday, August 27, 2006

Jim Webb for U.S. Senate

I contributed thirty dollars today to the Senate win of newly-converted Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate (in Virginia), Jim Webb. He's a veteran who opposes a ban on gay marriage and stands in stark contrast to the idiotic sitting Republican Senator, George Allen. Even though I live in Massachusetts, I feel a Virginian's pain with the embarrassment of George Allen.

Allen as you may remember, recently called Jim Webb's videographer, S.R. Sidarth, a twenty-year old of Indian descent, 'Macaca.' There's no excuse for a U.S. SENATOR(!)to belittle someone like that in public.

As for Jim Webb, read this ditty from TIME Magazine's political analyst, Joe Klein:.

The Dems just need six seats to take control of the Senate. The following look likely: RI, OH, MT, MO & PA. Hopefully more people will pitch in with the Virginia race!


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