Friday, August 25, 2006

It Girl, Friday, August 25, 2006: Abby Cadabby

Today's "It Girl" is the female muppet, Abby Cadabby, born August 14, 2006! Her welcome has been mostly warm by the adult, news-reporting community with the exception of this nay-saying opinon piece (below) by the Boston Globe. The writers think that Abby is a fluffy, girly character that doesn't fit into the feminist paradigm. Well, boo-hoo ... what about letting people, or muppets, just be who they are? Read the doomsdayer opinon piece here.

And it's not like there haven't been any muppet feminists in the past ... just take a look at Miss Piggy who was created in 1976, the world's first bicentennial strong female muppet who came into being during women's lib. We do have to make the distinction however, that Abby Cadabby is a morning-time Sesame Street muppet while Miss Piggy worked the night shift at the Muppet Show. It's like comparing the sunnyside humor of the Today Show with the racy wit of Conan.


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