Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Spirtual Homes

Now for something a little softer and more organic.

My "big boy," my cat, Chester, died suddenly of a heart attack late Saturday night. We're all beat up about it and we spent Sunday and the holiday at Walden Pond where the weather was absolutely perfect. Surprisingly, being a Boston boy, it was my first time at the setting of Thoreau's famous book. Walden Pond is a magical, healing place that was the birthplace of the American conservation movement. I even started reading the book there on Monday.

Although Thoreau starts out in a somewhat bitchy tone, the pond itself is such a magnet for sanity and healing. We heard so many different languages; there were European families galore and a subgroup of American hippie baby-boomers who are regular Walden sunbathers. Then of course you have your nature fans and professional swimmers. It's a very pure place and being there helped with Chester's passing. I would love to say that Chester was carefree and a lover of leisure, but he was more fastidious than anything ... and simple. And simplicity is what Walden is all about.

My other spiritual home is Provincetown because it seems like the edge of the world and it's a great place to stroll naked on the beach. How can you argue with that?

Because nature is such a big part of these two places, I am going to start adding ENVIRONMENT under this blog's banner. Once a month I will interview either local, national or international groups or individuals who have made a positive environmental impact.

What is your spiritual home?


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