Thursday, January 14, 2010

A vote for Martha Coakley is a vote for decency and security.

Okay it's been almost a year and I apologize to my readers (all two of you).

I'm back to remind everyone who lives in Massachusetts to vote during the U.S. Senate special election on Tuesday, January 19, 2010. And please choose Martha Coakley. Here's why.

The Republican candidate, Scott Brown, is certainly handsome and seemingly moderate. His victory, however, would be put the nail in the coffin of health care reform, the same all Democrat-driven health care reform that we've been hearing about for the past nine months, the same reform that Republicans have been opposing and obstructing in near lock-step.* This just cannot stand for Massachusetts, a state leader in health reform and compassion. We are in the final two laps of health care reform and House and Senate leaders are merging the two bills. Here are the definites to come out of negotiations before another last round of voting by each chamber:

---- Americans cannot be denied health-care insurance because of pre-existing conditions.

---- The estimates for subsidies to the American people will be in the ballpark of $800 billion to $900 billion, less generous than the House but more generous than the Senate version.

---- According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, those without health care coverage will be reduced BY 31 million people by 2019. As of right now, there are about 45 million people who are uninsured in the U.S.

If we let Scott Brown win in Mass., the Democratic job stimulus focus of 2010 will be lost. And forget about gay rights in a Senate that doesn't have dems strong at 60. What's even more worrisome in the short term is that if dems don't pass health care (again), we would see a repeat of 1994 when Republicans took over Congress.

As a cancer survivor, I can tell you that disease is never something that you suspect. Without Massachusetts' own health care reform drafted in 2006 with the help of Teddy, and believe it or not, Mitt Romney, I would have died or have gone bankrupt. The economy is still shaky and anyone could lose his job and his health insurance too. Vote for decency, vote for compassion for the average person.

Please vote for Martha Coakley on Tuesday, January 19. Do it for Teddy who worked his whole life on universal health care coverage.

* Exceptions over the string of votes so far have been Olympia Snowe (Republican Senator from Maine) and Anh Cao (Republican rep. from Louisiana).